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Paying by phone brings you freedom. Your phone is virtually always with you, so even if you suddenly realize that you left your physical meal, benefit, or All Inclusive card in your other jacket (or purse), you are still able to make payments. Simply, instantly, modernly – and securely. Just use Google Pay or Apple Pay. How to do it?
iPhone user guide

For iPhone owners, the first step above applies too: make sure that your email or phone number is up to date in Můj Up. All done? Great. Open the App Store, where you can download the Apple Pay app to your phone, watch, or tablet.
After that, just follow the instructions in the video.
To pay in stores, via apps, and online, simply hold your finger on the fingerprint scanner, put your phone up to the terminal, wait for the beep, and you’ve made a payment.
On newer iPhones, it’s even easier: just look at the display. Once the phone recognises you, it prompts you to present it to the terminal. And that’s it.
Android user guide

The first step is to make sure your email or phone number is added to the Můj Up incentive platform. You’ll need this information in order to add your meal, benefit, or All Inclusive card to the Google Pay app. You can download the app for free from the Google Play store.
Once you have it installed on your phone or another device, follow the instructions in the video below – it’s easy and takes just a minute.
When it comes to security, Google Pay puts this front and centre. No uploaded card number is stored on your device, so neither the merchant nor anyone else can access your card details. The payment then takes place in mere seconds.
With the card on your phone, your payments are convenient. For payments up to CZK 500, you just need to turn on the phone’s display and hold it up to the payment terminal. For amounts exceeding CZK 500, you need to unlock the phone with a password, fingerprint, etc.
Neat, isn’t it? Now all you have to do is find the physical card you want to add to your Apple or Google Wallet and digitise it. That way you’ll always have it with you.